‘What Is Your Normal???’ That’s a Great Question!!!

Have you settled so long until now it’s become your normal? Have you forgotten what true happiness is? Do you know how “healthy” feels?

Everyday Normal Guy

He might be proclaiming to be something that he’s not – for a laugh – but comedian John Lajoie’s YouTube video is a hit regardless (nearly 4 million views already

Normal is Big Gimmick

Obama was just elected to his first term. And a few months later meme-machine Chris Crocker released his post-Britney question-video, ‘What is “normal”?’ Some users posted responses (circa 2008/9!): I’m

What is Normal? Episodes 1-3

Some guy named Nathan Dalaklis is uploading ‘new videos everyday.’ On top of that self-imposed quota being really demanding to keep up with, one of his series is titled ‘What


Taking inspiration from Thomas and Sebastian of Patience Productions and their A Normal Day series, YouTuber Timtastic made his version of waking and getting the day going one trick at

A Normal Day

This is a total throwback post. I first caught wind of A Normal Day in mid-2009, when the first two videos were released; #3 came out in November 2010. You’ll
