Here’s a collection spanning a few months of tweets-n-‘grams each addressing in their own way the question of “what is normal?” From self-help expressions to Joker-inspired artworks coupled with self-help
#Sapiosexuals #Intelligence #IntelligenceIsSexy A photo posted by sapiosexuals (@iheartintelligence) on Aug 31, 2016 at 6:19pm PDT
Here are a number of Twitter tweets from mid-2015 to now (July 2016) that used the #WhatIsNormal hashtag in conjunction with a meme image or slogan-expression: #WhatIsNormal — Jami
Following up from Donald Trump’s recent conversation with the Washington Post Editorial Board, this week’s New Yorker cover by Barry Blitt is a brilliant melange of Trumpist expressions and thoughts
Philosoraptor is an image macro series featuring a clip art of a velociraptor deeply immersed in metaphysical inquiries or unraveling quirky paradoxes. -via Know Your Meme Fascinating how many macros
From the archives, in early 2012 Jeff Wysaski for Pleated-Jeans published this meme-list of 11 comparisons of Normal vs. Creepy, stating, ...