Futurama normal people

Futurama normal people


Futurama: The Beast With a Billion Backs is the second movie installment (“Season 5”) of the Futurama series after Fox canceled production of the television show back in 2003. In Billion Backs the world is overran by an asexual tentacled creature that promotes “love” by spinal tapping the neck-back of its hosts with using suction cupped appendages, and subjecting them to praise the tentacle. However Leela will have none of it, as she’s saving her neck “for a rich, handsome Dracula”.

In this scene Leela and Amy Wong narrowly escape an ambush by the tentacle-controlled Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth. Following one of the greater pieces of animation in this movie – being chased down a canyon of future buildings in New New York City by Professor Wornstrom – Leela and Amy hide out in an alley, and after glancing at how much of life is controlled by the tentacles, including traffic cops, bus riders, fire hydrants and lizard walkers, Leela remarks on their status as perhaps the world’s only remaining normal people on Earth:

a cyclops born to subterranean-living mutant parents, and the lone child daughter of billionaire parents who own most of the real estate on Mars… yup, normal people!


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  1. October 19, 2017, 7:38 am

    […] Screengrab by way of What Is Normal […]

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