A Normal Day

This is a total throwback post. I first caught wind of A Normal Day in mid-2009, when the first two videos were released; #3 came out in November 2010. You’ll get what they’re about pretty quickly in any of their videos – beginning with Day 1, below – but as their website says,

This is Thomas Becker and Sebastian Stahlhofen. We first came up with idea for “A Normal Day” at the beginning of 2006. Since then, we produced three videos in the “A Normal Day” series and have turned the project into a hobby. To perform the tricks, it takes a great deal of creativity and skills. Therefore we do not claim to master the tricks at all times. Instead, we’d like to show that impossible tricks are still possible to perform.

Then after taking about a 4-year hiatus they released this “A Normal Day against littering!” video which shows their production value has only become more slick over time – and it imagines that if you’re going to do something as banal as throw litter away, at least try and do it … normal!


There is 1 comment on this post
  1. March 02, 2016, 11:20 am

    […] inspiration from Thomas and Sebastian of Patience Productions and their A Normal Day series, YouTuber Timtastic made his version of waking and getting the day going one trick at a […]

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