Talk Normal is an alternative/indie rock duo from Brooklyn, New York, consisting of Sarah Register and Andrya Ambro.
– from Wikipedia
I first stumbled upon Talk Normal in 2008 via – yes you’re about to read this correctly – their MySpace (nowadays they’re also on Facebook, Twitter, and Bandcamp). Specifically, there was this now-missing GIF that caught my eye (which I saved, obviously):
It’s a weird band name – which I like (I’m biased). It’s unclear to my why it appears in sequence twice in some places but not others (especially since the actual website is more-or-less defunct). Alas, what I’m really interested in are all the various fonts and instances of normal in their name, for which I made this slideshow:
I like the song Bad Date – you can listen to it via the Spotify widget in the post sidebar.
And regardless of what you think of their jams you have to agree they make nice vinyl.